John Winn's Galaxy of Thrills. Copyright 2004 - 2009 Pathway International All Rights Reserved.
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John Winn's Galaxy of Thrills provides the most thrilling, exciting, and professionally-run show available anywhere. With state-of-the-art equipment and rigging, shows can be adapted to suit an endless variety of venues -- fairs, festivals, premieres, corporate events, private parties, and sporting events such as NASCAR, MLB, NBA, and NFL Halftime shows, just to name a few. And since Galaxy of Thrills designs and manufactures their own equipment, it's even possible to custom-design a show exclusively for your event and have it performed nearly anywhere in the world.

Choreographed to dynamic music, John Winn's Galaxy of Thrills performances feature dramatic lighting, mic'd hosts, audience interaction, and incredible stunts of unmatched quality. Each action-packed show is followed by an opportunity for the audience to meet the performers for autographs and signed souvenirs. John Winn's Galaxy of Thrills will bring a high-profile professional image to your event, making it a conversational topic long after your event is over.

But there's more to a show than just leaving a lasting impression for your patrons. It should also take the pressure off the event organizer and not break the event budget. Galaxy of Thrills has the best customer support backed up by years of industry excellence and integrity combined with the best value pricing available anywhere, bar none.

Click here to preview some of the extreme action from our latest Fireproof tour, then contact us to discuss having Galaxy of Thrills perform at your next event...You'll be glad you did!

Thank you for bringing your show to Redwood Falls! We loved hosting you and will get in contact as soon as we know our dates to set something up for next year. Your show is second to none and everyone that saw it very much enjoyed it. Its pretty amazing when people in the grandstand quit watching that event to watch your show on the midway. You are a true inspiration and I will always appreciate your friendship that you have displayed to our board.

Keep in touch and good luck in Owatonna. You are a role model for all of us."

Jim Sandgren -- President, Redwood County Fair

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